Monday, May 28, 2012

Get Personalized Help to Max Out Social Security

As a retirement columnist, I know it makes sense to wait at least until my full retirement age to file for Social Security. Here's what I didn't know: My wife and I could boost our combined lifetime benefits nearly 15 percent through a coordinated series of delayed and spousal benefit filings.
I figured this out using one of several useful tools that have sprung up in recent years to help people maximize Social Security benefits. The options vary from basic free online tools to more robust fee-based services.
Some offer online assistance only, while others will do a personal review by phone for a fee that can range from $20 to a few hundred dollars. Several can link up your Social Security strategy with broader financial planning services so that you can think about your benefits against a backdrop of tax liabilities, your portfolio and other key factors.
The payback in lifetime benefits can total hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on your longevity.
For individuals, the key decision is the timing of filing for benefits. Filing at the first age of eligibility (62) gets you just 75 percent of your full benefit; waiting until the full retirement age (currently 66) gets you 100 percent; waiting until age 70 gets you 132 percent of your benefit.
And for married couples, an array of other benefit boosters are available based on spousal and survivor strategies.
This is terra incognita for many financial advisers. "Most of the planners I talk to know a little -- just enough to be dangerous," says Jim Blankenship, a planner with special expertise in Social Security and author of "A Social Security Owner's Manual: Your Guide to Social Security Retirement, Dependent's, and Survivor's Benefits.", a fee-based service, offers an easy-to-use tool, backed up by two impressive experts: William Meyer, a veteran of H and R Block Inc and Charles Schwab Corp, and William Reichenstein, a professor at Baylor University who has written extensively on Social Security planning. The two spent 14 years developing algorithms for optimizing Social Security.
"When we started looking at this, it was going to be a three-year project," Meyer says. "But the Social Security rules are overwhelmingly complex, and the difference between good and bad strategy can be a huge amount of money. Everyone just needs to run their numbers. The tools are available to make a smart decision."
To get a report, simply input names, marital status, birth dates, best-guess life expectancy along with your projected Social Security benefit at FRA (full retirement age) -- which is available at the Social Security Administration website.
I plugged in some optimistic life expectancy guesses (85 for myself, 90 for my wife). For $20, the lowest fee available, I immediately received an easy-to-understand 15-page report. Personal consultation is available for fees of up to $250.
Here's what was recommended in our case: Although our lifetime earnings records are similar, my FRA benefit is slightly higher. Social Security Solutions' optimization plan calls for my wife to file for her own benefits at age 67 but immediately suspend her payments -- a perfectly legal strategy known as a file-and-suspend.
We start getting some Social Security benefits immediately when I apply (at age 66) to receive a spousal benefit based on her earnings record, half of what she could receive.
At age 70, my wife starts her own benefits; a year later, I switch to my own benefit when I turn 70. Both of our benefits are now at the maximum monthly level possible for the rest of our lives. Later on, after I (gulp) die first, my wife switches to a survivor benefit, which is 100 percent of my benefit.
Another sophisticated Social Security decision-making tool can be found at, which was created as a labor of love by Henry "Bud" Hebeler after his own retirement from Boeing Co. Hebeler was a top executive and corporate planner at the aerospace giant and was trained an engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
"Boeing provided all the top managers with a financial planner," he says. "They were pretty good, but the financial tools they had were primitive and didn't offer much perspective. If I had presented that kind of material to the board I wouldn't have kept my job. I just thought someone should do something about it."
Analyze Now features a wide array of free retirement planning services, including a very robust Social Security decision-making tool. You must input a fair amount of data on your own, including estimates of tax rates in retirement, rates of return on investments and future inflation rates. And the tools are spreadsheet-based, so they require basic computer and spreadsheet literacy.
Hebeler does answer questions from users of his site via e-mail -- again, at no charge.
Another option is, which sells its tools only to financial advisers but offers consumers a free snapshot recommendation on possible spousal options.
The Social Security Administration has a free retirement estimator ( that pulls up your earning history and lets you estimate your benefit using different filing ages, but no spousal or survivor estimates are offered.
AARP also offers a free calculator that lets you do "what if" planning for taking Social Security at different ages. It also allows you to estimate the percentage of your living expenses that will be covered by Social Security, and it lets you tweak the expense assumptions. Unfortunately, the tool doesn't include any spousal or survivor decision-making tools.
No matter which tool you choose, backstop yourself by running at least two different tools. All the services are worth no more than the data, rules and assumptions running the engine under the hood. If results from different services are at least similar, you can be confident you're getting valid results.
(The writer is a Reuters columnist. The opinions expressed are his own. For more from Mark Miller, see
(Editing by Beth Pinsker Gladstone and Steve Orlofsky)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cápsula privada Dragon logra histórico acoplamiento a la estación espacial

  • La cápsula Dragon de la empresa estadounidense SpaceX acoplada a la Estación Espacial Internacional el 25 de mayo, según un video de la NASA.
La cápsula Dragon de la empresa estadounidense SpaceX se acopló el viernes a la Estación Espacial Internacional, en un hecho sin precedentes para una nave espacial privada que podría revolucionar el transporte al espacio.
La compañía SpaceX, con sede en California y propiedad del multimillonario Elon Musk, llegó así al punto cúspide de su misión, convirtiéndose en la primera nave de propiedad privada en llegar a la estación espacial y devolviendo a Estados Unidos la posibilidad de viajar al laboratorio orbital.
"Había muchas cosas que podrían haber salido mal, y salieron bien", dijo Musk a los periodistas tras completarse la maniobra de amarre.
"Es un día fantástico y creo que un gran día para el país y para el mundo", agregó el empresario, que hizo su fortuna con la firma de pagos online PayPal.
"Esto realmente va a ser reconocido como un significativo paso histórico en los viajes espaciales, y esperamos que sea el primero de muchos más".
La cápsula reutilizable, no tripulada en esta oportunidad, transporta 521 kilos de suministros para la Estación Espacial Internacional (ISS, por sus siglas en inglés) y tiene previsto regresar a la Tierra con otros 660 kilos de materiales científicos el 31 de mayo.
"Parece que agarramos a un dragón por la cola", dijo el astronauta estadounidense Don Pettit, que maniobraba el brazo robótico de la ISS, al enganchar la cápsula de SpaceX a las 09H56 (13H56 GMT).
El laboratorio orbital y la nave espacial se encontraban en ese momento a unos 400 kilómetros sobre el noroeste de Australia, indicó la NASA desde el Centro Espacial Johnson en Houston, Texas (centro-sur).
El éxito de la maniobra provocó aplausos en los centros de control de la ISS, en Houston, y de SpaceX, en Hawthorne, California (oeste).
La cápsula fue amarrada al módulo Harmony por el astronauta de la Agencia Espacial Europea Adre Kuipers a las 11H52 (15H52 GMT) y el atraque se completó cuando el astronauta de la NASA Joe Acaba selló el acople de Dragon a las 12H02 (16H02 GMT), comunicó la NASA.
La apertura de la escotilla entre la estación y Dragon está prevista a las 10H00 GMT del sábado, permitiendo la descarga y recarga de los suministros en los próximos días.
Dragon se desacoplará de la ISS el 31 de mayo para regresar ese mismo día a la Tierra. Su amerizaje está previsto en el Pacífico, frente a las costas de California.
La nave de SpaceX fue lanzada el martes desde Cabo Cañaveral, Florida (sureste) en lo alto de un cohete Falcon 9.
Hasta ahora sólo Rusia, Japón y Europa tenían la posibilidad de transportar carga a la ISS. Estados Unidos perdió esa capacidad cuando retiró su flota de transbordadores espaciales el año pasado.
El vuelo de prueba ha sido casi perfecto, de acuerdo con los informes de avance de la NASA y de SpaceX, después de que el lanzamiento marcara, según la NASA, la Casa Blanca y funcionarios de SpaceX, el comienzo de una "nueva era" para el transporte espacial.
Una misión exitosa de atraque abre el camino a un contrato de 1.600 millones de dólares de SpaceX con la NASA para abastecer a la estación espacial y regresar materiales a la Tierra en los próximos años.
Tanto SpaceX como la NASA han celebrado su flamante asociación, aunque instieron en que cualquier paso en falso que ocurriera estaría en el marco de lo esperado en misiones de prueba de este tipo.
La firma propiedad de Musk y un puñado de otras compañías privadas han recibido un capital inicial de la NASA para desarrollar naves con capacidad de transportar carga y humanos a la ISS.
La NASA confía en el éxito de SpaceX ya que cuenta con el sector privado para que éste tome el relevo de las naves y transbordadores espaciales -el último transbordador voló en julio de 2011-, para que comience desde 2012 a transportar carga y astronautas a la ISS a menor costo.
SpaceX espera que Dragon pueda transportar astronautas a la ISS en unos tres años.
La cápsula Dragon de la empresa estadounidense SpaceX acoplada a la Estación Espacial Internacional el 25 de mayo, según un video de la NASA.

original post found here

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Saturday, May 26, 2012


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